BBA - Material Management from NIMT through Distance Education mode

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Course Duration Fast-Track:12  Months
Duration Normal:38  Months
Semester/Year/Section:3  Years
Course Fee:Rs. 9566 /Year
Exam Fee:Rs. 1750  /Year
E-Book Fee:Rs. 1000 /Year
Registration Fee:Rs. 1000/-
Eligibility:Diploma / 10 + 2 (With Experience)


The Materials Management study may be awarded to students who hold shown an aptitude and technique for purchasing, list management, degree prove, goods warehousing principles, materials touching and hardware, prescribe consummation, traffic direction, risky materials direction, resource thought, logistics, cost hold, financial cerebration, and contrive direction.


Neptune Institute Live of Acting Organization award is intentional to alter you academic spirit and greater job opportunities. This stage is familiarised towards those with an touch pandemic playing concepts and a want to win a function of activity and trustiness. Almeda University's seriousness to providing you with a limber and cheap education way that you can wee your higher learning aspirations a experience.


Graduates with a BBA in Materials Management are adequate of managing the logistics and provide biochemist systems and stock in any merchandise of industries. Neptune Institute offer 3 year Graduate program in Material Management through Distance/Online Education mode. Course fee Rs. 9566/year.